sábado, abril 15, 2006

Metroid primer jugable en el E3??? Creerle a matt???

Blog de Matt:

Has everyone forgotten just how amazing the worlds in both Metroid Primes were already? Remember some of that fantastic music? That was running on a gamecube too! Imagine how cool the worlds in Metroid Prime III will be on the revolution, especially with that wicked controller that will make you feel more a part of the world than ever before.

No, sir! I have not forgotten about how amazing Metroid Prime was, and remains. It is my favorite game of all time, tied with Super Metroid.

I have full confidence in Retro to make Prime 3 one of, if not the must-have game of E3 2006. This will be the game that shows all other companies how to do first-person gameplay with the Revolution controller.

Bueno matt anda diciendo que Metroid Prime para Revo podria ser jugable en la feria del E3, pero ya saben que con este supuesto "insider" es muy dudosa la cosa, aunque a veces acierta.

Este es una pequeña nota de semana santa.